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Pandemic Specific Information

Please note that the following information & procedures pertain to the current COVID-19 Pandemic.  These procedures can change given the requirement and guidelines given to us by the Governor of the State of Ohio and The Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services (ODJFS).  If changes are made, we will notify our families of the specific changes.  All TUMPS Policies and Procedures are available in the Parent Handbook located in the Forms and Documents Section of this site or click here:



Parent Orientation:

There will be no "in-house" parent orientation.  Your child's classroom teachers will send you an email prior to the start of school detailing your child's classroom specific information.


Classroom Set-Up & Ratios:

Student/Teacher ratios have been restored to pre-pandemic numbers per Governor DeWine and ODJFS.  Therefore, we will return to our normal class sizes which will be up to 18 students to 2 teachers for 3, 4 and 5 year olds, and up to 14 students to 2 teachers for 2.5 year olds.  Rooms will not mix inside or outside on the playground.


Drop-Off Procedure:

  1. Parents and children will remain outside the building.

  2. Parents sign into Brightwheel app and complete Clinical Health Screen.


** Parents will not be allowed in the building at drop-off or pick-up.  Please prepare your child ahead of time because this will all be so different for them.  Talk to them about having to wait in line and that you will not be able to go into the building with them.


Pick-Up Procedure:

  1. Wait outside the building.

  2. Teachers will release children to you.


** You will need to make arrangements with the TUMPS office if you will need to pick up your child early or if you will be late to school.



Children will not be required to wear facial coverings.  However, they can wear them if desired.  All teachers and directors will be wearing face masks during the day.

*This is subject to change.



While we have always been diligent with cleaning our classrooms, there will be increased disinfecting per State guidelines.  If at any time we run out of cleaning solution, we will use the CDC guidelines for diluted bleach.


Large Muscle Play - Playground and Basement:

Children will engage in large muscle play during the day.  Classes will not be permitted to mix during large muscle time.


Illness Policy and Procedures:

TUMPS abides by the rule 5101:2-12-16 OAC, Appendix B.  These can also be found in our parent handbook or click link here:



In addition to the Illness Policy and Procedures found in our Parent Handbook, we expect each family to do a personal child wellness check BEFORE they come to school.  A child cannot stay at school if they have a temperature of 100 degrees or higher.  To return to school, they must be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicines.


Parents will be asked to verify that their child has no cough or shortness of breath and if they have had any contact with COVID-19 in the past 14 days.


Positive COVID-19 Tests:

If an administrator, employee, childcare staff member and/or enrolled child tests positive for COVID-19, the center shall:

  1. Notify ODJFS by the next business day in the Ohio child licensing and quality system as a serious incident pursuant to the rule 5101:2-12-16 of the Administrative Code.

  2. Notify the local health department by the next business day.

  3. Notify families whose children have been in contact with infected person.  We will follow the guidance of the Health Department in determining if a room needs to be quarantined.

  4. Ensure that the person complete isolation or quarantine procedures for COVID-19 in coordination with the local health department prior to being permitted to return to the program.


Disclosure Statement:

TUMPS will require a signed COVID-19 Pandemic Disclosure Form to be signed by each family.   This for can be found in the Forms sections or by clicking here:



Enrichment and Early Drop-Off:

There will be no Enrichment classes or Early Morning Drop-Off during the first semester of school.


Revised August 2021

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